I don't know about you, but I'm going through withdrawal from the election. It's a love/hate thing. All those commercials and debates bombarding us for months, suddenly coming to an end, but the one thing that both sides kept talking about is change, how it was needed and how it was good for us. I agree on both counts. So, I decided to make some changes to my home.
I wanted to buy new furniture for my family/sun room, but with the "recession" now totally underway and the retail season quickly coming to an end, I decided to make do with furniture and things I already own. First, I emptied out the entire room. Then, I brought in only my favorite pieces, some came from my living room (sofa), some from the bedroom (artwork) some from the office (large chair and half) and slowly the room started to come together. I thought if I could just have one entire room that looked put together it would be a start, instead of several rooms that were half done.
To my surprise, the larger L shaped sofa that was in the family room looks even better in the living room. So, I started working on the living room. Next thing you know, the artwork that I had in the hallway, looks great in the living room above the sofa. It was amazing how it all came together and the only item I had to purchase new was one jute rug, which I just happen to sell in the store.
Change can be scary, but in this case it motivated me to think outside the box. Sometimes when we live day after day looking at the same thing over and over we no longer see what possibilities are available to us. So, before you rush out and buy new furniture for a room, try taking everything out and slowly putting the room back together with items from other rooms. If it doesn't work, you can always put it back, that's the nice thing about change, it's always a work in progress.
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