So, you ask, what the heck do snakes and special deals have in common? Well....let me tell you about my morning.
I had planned on taking the day off and relaxing by the pool. No work, no worries, no phones. Everything was going along as planned until my yellow lab, Mushka, started barking. As a dog owner, you learn to understand what each bark means. For example there is the "I have to potty NOW" bark, or the "Hello, is anyone going to feed me today?" bark and of course the one that melts our hearts "Yeah!! Your Home!" bark.
Today, I didn't get any of those, but rather the exclusive "Oh my god, come quick" bark. Startled, I lifted my head from my comfy lounge chair and OH MY GOD, there is a huge (and I mean at least 8 feet) black snake slithering out of the pool, while a frog is swimming around the deep end going crazy!!
I'm going to guess the snake followed the frog into the pool, in hopes of having dinner, because next to the pool was a dead fish which I'm guessing the snake ate but then realized live frogs looked tastier so, up with the fish and into the pool for the frog.......(and you guys thought my life was so glamorous). Being the animal lover I am (snakes aren't animals, though, are they?) I quickly rescued the frog and placed him back into the large pond where he lives. The snake...I have no idea where he went, nor do I care, as long as it was far far away from my house.
Ok..so, what's all this have to do with special offers? Nothing really, except after the above incident took place, I decided I really shouldn't be spending time in the sun (or the yard or anywhere close to where that damn snake might be hiding), so, I came into the house and sent out a new newsletter from The Scented Garden, and in it, we are having email only special deals along with random monthly email giveaways. But, you have to sign up for (see the sign up box below) the newsletter to be a part of all these great savings and deals!
Hope everyone is having a great snake-less summer......
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