We have all been there. Whether it's regarding decorating, relationships or clothing. We have something that we keep trying to make work, but it doesn't.
I'm not really qualified to give advice on relationships, and I hate buying clothes so I'll stick to decorating.
Many times a customer will come into the store and I sense that they are torn about a certain item, should they purchase it or not. I usually start the conversation with "tell me about the room you're considering this item for, colors, style etc." and most of the time they begin with "well, I have this rug (or artwork, or sofa) that I really don't like so I'm trying to make it look better". At the risk of losing a sale, but gaining a trusted customer, I tell them, DON'T! Buying more stuff in an attempt to make something you hate look better never works. All you end up doing is dumping more money into a room that will never give you a feeling of satisfaction, so just get rid of it and start new.
I'm guilty of this. I bought a large piece of artwork that I fell in love with. After hanging it in the room I was convinced it was perfect for, I realized that it didn't work with the sofa (which I've always hated). So, I bought new pillows for the sofa...still didn't like it. Maybe it needed a new rug, so I brought in a new rug...nope...still hated it. Ok, perhaps if I hung some other artwork in the room that complimented the new piece it would work...hate it. By the time I finished buying new stuff (right down to new placemats and napkins) I stood back and realized the sofa just had to go. I had already invested enough money trying to make this sofa work that I could have bought a new one (see picture above, my new dream sofa)
So, if you find yourself constantly trying to make a room work, be honest and step back, look at the room, keep the things you love and get rid of anything that is not bringing you pleasure no matter how much sentimental value it holds or even if it's still functional. Hmmm, perhaps I could give relationship advice.......
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