Today, I won't write about new products, my store or shopping. Today, as I sit here remembering 7 years ago I can only focus on what was our nations biggest tragedy on our homeland.
There are certain events in our lives that remain so crystal clear that one can simply close their eyes and it's as though a movie begins playing in our mind. For me, September 11th, 2001 is that day.
It began as a normal day. I was getting ready for work, the exterior of our home was being painted and Alan had already been working for several hours. Every morning I call him to say "good morning", since I don't see him when he leaves. As I was reaching for the phone the TV in the background caught my attention. Good Morning America was reporting that there had been some kind of an accident involving a plane and the World Trade Center. At the time, they didn't know it was a jet. I sat down on the ottoman to watch and listen. I don't know how long I sat there that day. I never opened the store. I was frozen in place as the days horrible events unraveled. I remember calling Alan several times with updates, and he would pass the information on to the other waterman on the radio. I remember running outside a few times to tell the painters what was going on, and I remember sitting in total shock as I witnessed the second plane hitting the second tower. I'm not a terribly religious human being, more spiritual, but I know I said "oh my god" a hundred times that day and prayed that people were able to get out.
As the morning went on it would only get worse, with reports of a plane hitting the Pentagon (which is only an hour from St. Michaels), a plane going down in Pennsylvania. Never in my lifetime had I felt so vulnerable in my own country.
Seven years later and the pain is just as strong. I will refrain from any political viewpoints, although I must comment on my disappointment in how some political leaders have continued to use 9/11 to induce fear into our country for purposes other then protection.
I didn't know anyone directly involved with that day, but I grieved along with the families, friends and loved ones who did and my thoughts and prayers are still with them today.
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